We Almost Drove Over My Real Estate Agent

Mission: To promote driving less so all may live more.

When it was over, I gasped, and said, “We almost drove over my real estate agent!”

Hannah looked at the split-rail fence that had put her Subaru to a final stop. Little damage done.

The wintry day was sunny and the roads were mostly dry. We had just turned onto Marshall Road, outside of Boulder, speed limit 25.  

As we rounded a corner, I saw a woman running on the opposite side of the road, facing traffic, as one should do. She was blond, young and… 

“It’s Sally!” I thought—my real estate agent who had helped me sell my house in Coal Creek Canyon. Suddenly that thought gave way to, “Dang it, we’re sliding toward her!”

Hannah’s driving was fine, just not her tires. But then I was exacting monthly rent from her, for the detached room she rented, so I was tangentially complicit in the financial situation.

The normally dry road had turned to ice, causing the car to slide on a tangent, toward Sally, who’s a pretty fast runner.

Before I knew it, Sally had run past the front of the car and escaped collision—as we continued into a small ditch and against the fence. 

When I jumped out of the car, Sally had stopped and turned to look at her assailants. “Hi, Sally! Out for a run?” I asked, rhetorically. She smiled and turned to continue her run, her heart no doubt beating faster than usual.

Moral of the story? You can draw as many as you like. What I like to point out is that this exemplifies the dangers that big chunks of steel, plastic, and iron pose, even among friends.

Hannah bought some nice all-weather tires.

Sally got married to Chad.

Chad with Sally
Chad with Sally

But what if we had hit her (hard)?

Chad without Sally
Chad without Sally

Person versus automobile and wins!