Aptera Talk: Shameless Commerce (save money reserving a solar car)

Mission: To promote driving less so all may live more.

Note: Too busy to read this post? I understand. In that case, you can click on the link below to save $30 on your Aptera reservation!

The title of this post pays homage to Car Talk (Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers).

These two brothers and their radio show transformed the American automobile experience into a humorous discourse. The most practical advice I picked up from the show was this: in order to teach someone how to use a manual transmission, park the car on a level, empty parking lot and have the person depress the clutch pedal, put the car in first, and slowly engage the clutch without touching the accelerator pedal. It works (I tried it)!

The brothers referred to their merchandise as “shameless commerce,” including this cute mug,

No Factory Recalls. So far.
“No Factory Recalls. So far.”

Now, onto my shameless commerce! As my previous post declared, I reserved a car that I’d like to see on the road:

Aptera home page

The reservation costs a refundable $100 and purchases a place in the queue in order to obtain an Aptera when they are produced (starting 2025). My friend, Marc, is #800 in the queue. I’m #70,000. I’ll let Marc debug the car so that mine is perfect when it rolls off the production line in Carlsbad, California.

Aptera sent me a link to share with you if you, too, want to reserve an Aptera. You get $30 off, and I get something like $100 credit toward my Aptera if I end up buying one. Deal? Click away—it’s simple. It’s fun, even if you back out before you include a form of payment. At least you get to see a well-designed web site along with the options available with every Aptera.

Shamelessly – Louis